Golf Improvement for Experienced Golfers

Golf Drive into is specifically designed to provide Golf Improvement for Experienced Golfers. While we do go back to the absolute basics our assumption is that readers of the information on this site will already have a good degree of knowledge on what it takes to play golf.

As an experienced golfer you are at least part way in love with the game (though for most of us it is very much a love-hate realationship). That’s why it holds on to us so tightly. Just as with love for our partners at times golf can make use want to scream or it can make us leap for joy.

What is certain is that we all enjoy golf much more when playing well. This website is dedicated to providing Golf Improvement plans, instruction and advice for the experienced golfer. There are no excuses – no matter what our age we can all Play Better Golf.

This web site is specifically for those of us who have played the game for a few years. It is unlikely that you will ever have the time, money or inclination to completely remodel your swing. In fact, it is quite common that we are not able to completely change how we do things.

The really great news is that you can achieve massive improvements in your game by focusing on what is really important. That pretty much means:

  • No tips (you can see our post on the perils of golf tips here)
  • No need to buy lots to new golf gear
  • Using the experience you already have to play dramatically better.

A lot of the content is based on my own experience and the improvements I have made to my game. As I am significantly over 50 I have tried to make sure that the material on this site, while generally applicable to all golfers, meets the needs of the slightly older golfer (Middle aged? Bah – 50 is the new 30).

To see my golfing story take a look at our About Us page. As you can see – I am definitely not a golf pro. I have simply taken an opportunity to improve my game and have chosen to create to share my findings (and quite honestly – to make a little cash doing it – please take a look at the privacy page for details).