Putting Instruction From The World’s Master Putters

The 1-Hour Putting Miracle – Support Videos

The videos on this page have been carefully selected to support the concepts contained within the “1-Hour Putting Miracle”.  If you are not a customer the “1-Hour Putting Miracle” is a putting practice guide that will absolutely show results within just one hour.

Improving putting is a life-long process so, while you will see changes within 1-hour, the guide is all about developing a fun, long-term putting practice plan.

Jordan Spieth Putting Practice
Jordan Spieth Putting Practice

Customers will know that we do not attempt to teach putting technigue.  Putting is one aspect of golf where the result is infinitely more important than how.  Getting consistently good putting results is based on 3 major factors:

  • Aiming putts well
  • Aligning the putter face
  • Making the stroke

The videos below all support one or more of these factors.  Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a customer to enjoy the videos.

Putter Alignment

Eric Johnson – Top 100 Golf Teacher

We don’t know Eric Johnson but this video demonstrates a very important principle of putting – the most important part of putting is getting the putter face properly aligned.  In the video below Eric demonstrates how the path of the putter has much less influence on the direction of the putt than practically everyone teaches.

The question it raises is why 99% of instructional books, web sites and videos all talk about aligning feet, hips, shoulders and eyes and practically no one teaches the absolute importance of getting the putter face aligned and striking the ball properly?

Distance Control

Graham MacDowell – Impromptu Putting Lesson

In the video below GMac apparently simply ambushes an amateur golfer and provides an impromptu putting lesson.  One thing we particularly like about this video is that GMac doesn’t go in and start trying to remodel this guys swing.  He simply offers a couple of tips: look at the hole (or aiming point on breaking putts) when making practice putts; and, don’t have the arms bent too much when making the shot.

Todd Stones – Top 100 Teacher – Distance Control

Todd Stones shows us how maintaining the tempo of the putting stroke can help in improving our distance control.  The principle is that the tempo of every putt remains the same.  For longer putts the backswing and follow through are longer but the time taken to play the stroke is exactly the same as for the 18 inch tap-in.

Making Short Putts – Clock Drill Revisited

Dave Pelz – The Short Game Master

No summary of putting masters would be complete without something from Dave Pelz. Dave is the acknowledged short game master teacher. He has had best selling books on Amazon for at least the last decade.

In the video below Dave describes a variation of the clock drill we introduce in “The 1-Hour Putting Miracle”. As shown here, this is a pressure drill (if you miss a putt then start again). As customers of the “1-Hour Putting Miracle” will know – we don’t generally advocate pressure drills. They are unnatural and create tension in a way which it cannot be encountered on the course (have you ever played a match in which you had to hit 50 consecutive putts?).

Before hitting each putt make sure that are relaxed. At any time you feel tense simply from spending too long in the same posture, walk away. Stand up, stretch, retake your grip on the club and relax. Now, when you are ready, resume the drill.

Michael Breed – Getting it Past the Hole

Lots of the established wisdom on long putts talks of getting the putt within a dustbin lid of the hole.  What is particularly good about Michael Breed’s video below is the concept that every putt (with a few exceptions) should be struck at a speed that would leave it past the hole.

Michael places a club behind the hole and hits every practice putt at a pace the the ball should finish touching that club.

Take a look and see what we mean.