Justin Rose – Pre Shot Routine

Here’s Justin Rose’s take on his preshot routine. One thing I particularly like is his use of his club as a plumb bob.  It really does help you pick a spot that is directly in line with the ball and your target point. At about 24s into the video Justin talks of closing his left … Read more

Is Your Mind Like This When You Take Your Golf Stance?

Mix of Thoughts in a Golfers Mind

This brilliant cartoon found on Pinterest from the golfersgrail.net sums up what goes through too many of our minds when we take our stance to play our next shot. I described in my article on golf pre-shot routines how I attempt to clear my conscious brain of all thoughts just prior to taking the shot. … Read more

Golf Pre-Shot Routines

Golf Pre Shot Routine

Golf Pre-Shot routines are proven to be immensely important in consistently playing good golf. All the pros have consistent pre-shot routines right up to the point that if they get disturbed in their preparation they will put the club back in the bag and start the routing all over again. It’s one of the great … Read more

How to Improve Your Golf Swing While You Sleep

The Golf Mental Game

Who else would like to improve their golf swing while they sleep? It sounds impossible but really works well.  In truth it is based on a simple meditation you do while falling asleep.  The premise is that as you fall asleep your subconcious will continue working to embed the swing routine in your mind. Pre-Sleep … Read more