
01The sheer variety and quantity of golf gear available to the modern golfer is mesmerizing. There is no doubting the improvements in club design and technology that have taken place over the last 20 years. Balls too have been improved to such an extent that the aerodynamics can be almost exactly matched to your game. At least in theory.
Course navigation aids and laser range finders mean that you know exactly how far off line you have strayed in your approach to the pin. In principle you know exactly what club you should play wherever you are on the golf course.
Why is it then that there is little, credible evidence that golfing standards are improving?

If you have read the home page you will know that I am a non-believer when it comes to the power of golf gear to improve your game. The keys are in good technique, clear mental processes and in putting it all together on the course where it matters. If you are looking to spend $300 on a new, shiny driver – save the dough. Give it to your teaching pro and have a few lessons. It will do more to add yards to your drive than a new driver ever will.

Ok, health warning over. The articles on this page are all to do with golf equipment.

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