Golf Technique beats Golf Equipment

Golf Technique v Golf Gear

One of the things on which I have been consistently challenged is my assertion that Golf Technique is far more important that Golf Equipment. It’s true that in recent years we have seen enormous improvements in golf equipment technology. In particular there have been enormous changes in drivers with the large headed 460cc variety being all that you ever see.
It’s not just the driver though. With ever increasing insights into what physically happens as a golf ball is hit there have been dramatic changes in club faces with square grooves and other refinements. Shafts have changed too and we now have the ability to not only choose shaft stiffness but also to match the kink point to meet our specific swing characteristics.
The changes don’t stop there though. Golf balls have changed. High speed cameras and sophisticated aerodynamic analysis has allowed dimple patterns to be designed that can be specifically matched to your current playing ability.
So, with such massive improvements in the technology available to even the average golfer why is it that the average golf handicap has not reduced at all in the last 20 years?

The basic message is, “No matter how good the gear gets it doesn’t help one little bit unless you learn how to use it” If you don’t believe me take a look at this video from Jamie Sadowski.

If you wonder why I didn’t mention putters technology in my earlier notes you really need to take a look at the video at around the 2:30 to 4:30 min mark. I know I will never look at my putter in the same way again.