My Simple Golf Swing Technique

These notes are for all about my simple golf swing technique. I wrote them to be clear in my mind exactly what I was trying to achieved in my swing.

If you want to improve your golf it is essential that you have a clear vision of the swing that you are trying to achieve.

A clear mental image of your desired swing is the number one key to rapidly improving your golf.

Basic Terminology

Much of the discussion in this article relies on some pretty basic terminology.

Target Line

Target line should be self-evident – it is the line from the ball to the point at which we are aiming.

Taking a stance parallel to the target line means that a line drawn between the toes of each shoe will be parallel to that target line.

Clock Angles

golf swing clock angles
1- Clock angles – Courtesy of

Clock angles are used to show what should be happening at what point in the swing. The head forms the centre of the clock face.

6:00 is the position of the ball at address. 12:00 is a position directly behind the head in a straight line with the ball and the head at address.

9:00 is the midpoint of the backswing. 3:00 is the midpoint of the follow through.

The Swing

This article is not going to consider the grip or stance other than to say it is assumed that:

  • Grip is right
  • Club face points along the target line
  • Stance is parallel to the target line


Takeaway starts along the target line. Club moves straight back with arms and wrists remaining straight until the club reaches around 7:30. Right leg remains strong and doesn’t move. Head and body stay still.

As the club head reaches 7:30 the natural rotation of the shoulders starts to bring the club inside the target line.

Between 8:00 and 8:30 the wrists cock. This is a very positive action but the wrists should feel soft and relaxed at all times.

As the hands move through 9:00 it is important to ensure the hands and arms take the club up quite steeply to provide a steep swing plane.

Continue the backswing until I can feel it pulling on my shoulder abdominal muscles. Don’t strain – just feel a little tension. The shaft of the club should not go beyond parallel with the ground. It doesn’t need to reach parallel.

Throughout the swing the right leg should remain stable and strong with minimal movement. Right hip will move backwards about an inch or so.

Must retain the relaxed looseness of shoulders and wrists throughout


For me the transition is the key to the whole swing. It starts with a transfer of weight to the left hand side. No great movement is required other that the sensation of moving the left knee over the left foot.

The Transition starts as the backswing completes. There is a slight but distinct overlap in the completion of the backswing and the transfer of weight to the front leg.

The downswing only starts once I can feel my knee has moved over my left foot.

Note: There is no particular turn of the hips at this point. Nevertheless, the transfer of weight to the left side must start the downswing.


There are 2 keys to the downswing:

  1. Stay loose and relaxed
  2. Keep wrists cocked as long as possible (creates the lag you hear so much of in golf pro circles)

In the downswing the hands will come down slightly inside the line of the backswing. The sensation is almost of pulling on a vertical bell rope.

As the downswing starts the hips will quite naturally turn to the left. It is important to keep the arms and the body behind the movement of the hips.

As the hands pass back through the 7:30-8:00 position the wrists will start to uncock. This should feel a natural and relaxed motion – a direct consequence of the correct downswing.


Not a lot to say about impact. Hands slightly ahead of the ball. Wrists uncocking at maximum speed. Eyes watching the ball through impact.

Follow Through

The follow through is the part of the swing from impact to about 4:30. The key for me is to keep my head down looking at where the ball was at impact and to keep my arms and hands moving along the target line.


The finish is all that part of the swing from around 4:00 right through to 12:00 and beyond.

A good high finish is representative of what has gone before. It should be relaxed and loose to relieve the stress and speed created in the Downswing.

Rory’s Swing

I wrote this description of my swing after a couple of lessons with my local pro. A couple of weeks later I decided to take a very close look at Rory McIlroy’s swing – see this post.

It is astonishing that the World’s best golfer (2014/2015) has possibly one of the simplest swings you will ever see.

I am not arrogant enough (my golf scores haven’t improved that much yet) to compare my swing (at least in theory) with Rory’s but the similarities are there. Take a look at my analysis of Rory’s swing here.

Now I just have to figure out how he can hit his drives 340yds while I trail 80-90 yards back. Oh, and he hits it straight too.